Scop. Ce scop?


Zilele trecute am vazut un video legat de noi,oamenii din ziua de azi,cum suntem si cum ar trebui sa fim defapt.   In ziua de astazi,cel mai mare si important scop pentru noi este sa devenim cat mai populari,cat mai cunoscuti,sa avem cat mai multe like-uri la pozele pe care le postam,ne gandim doar la bani,distractii si relatii,care apucate gresit duc la esuare.                                                                                                                                                              Ai stat vreodata sa te gandesti care este defapt scopul tau in acesta viata,care iti este menirea sau te multumestidoar cu lucrurile simple facute zilnic?                                                  Ai avut vreodata un gand,vis pe care cu mare usurinta,de cele mai multe ori il aruncai intr-un colt al mintii? Sa fiu sincera eu am avut si inca am,dar mai tot timpul le arunc in acel colt al mintii ,ma amagesc singura zicand ca e prea greu,nu am cum sa incep sau nu mai conteaza in loc sa fac ceva ,cat de putin care sa ma apropie de indeplinirea visului meu,sa le fac din vise,realitate.Chiar daca nu reusesc,cel putin pot spune ca am incercat si nu voi trai cu regrete,indiferent de ce s-ar intampla,as avea ceva de invatat.                            De aceea vin si spun,probabil si tu ai un vis mai maret decat sa stai acasa sau cafenele,lucru si distractii,sigur ai o pasiune pe care mereu ai evitat-o,ai abandonat-o in loc sa ii o sansa,sa incerci sa vezi ce iasa,mai bine ii dai o sansa decat sa stai si sa te intrebi cum ar fi fost daca..


First of all,I want to start with a prayer..

”Lord,give me the wisdome to know what to write and how to write.Do in a way that I can write what my heart dictates.Amen.”


Lately, on the television and on the social networks,you don’t see anything else than as terrorist attacks occur,victims fall prey and how people judge everything.Terrorist acts are caused by people without love in their heart,faithless and even without religion,they are those people that creates their own laws and their own beliefs.Victims are those innocent people which at the wrong time,they are in the place where an attack is about to occur.. and those who judge,are those people who are staying home,comfortable or at the office or anywhere else and they blame everyone without even thinking..                                                  Personally,what bothers me it is that all of you are blaming Muslims,the Muslims wants to kill us because of the religion and many other untrue things.What many of us do not know is that everything is all wrong,the Quran isn’t teach them to do bad things to this world or to the other human being.How God teach us good thing same Allah teach them good thing,I prefer to believe that God is one and only all over the world and everywhere,if others think something else,that’s their problem,but God is the same all over the world.Many of you blame religion,many of you are writing ”stop praying”because this caused all the bad in the world,but religion and faith are two different things,religions are just some cultures,is a cult that you  choose where to  belong,but if you don’t have the faith ,the faith that makes the difference,it’s in vain.I personally, when someone asks me what religion I am,i prefer to say that I don’t have a religion,I have a personal relation with God,but let’s not deviate from the subject.These people that you call Muslims , they aren’t  truly Muslims,they don’t even have a religion,they just have their belief,a sick belief,their own law..                                I pray and hope that one day,the people will understand,will stop judging without knowing and maybe one day  all of us we will unite for the same thing and that’s WORLD PEACE  !!                            God bless all of you and keep praying for the WORLD !

Fi multumitor


             In ziua de astazi,majoritatea tinerilor chiar si adulti ajung sa creada ca se vor simti impliniti doar atunci cand vor avea cat mai multi bani,cel mai scump si performant telefon si cea mai tare si scumpa masina.Ajung sa creada ca cele mai de pret lucruri in viata obiectele si cred ca vor fi multumiti si impliniti doar atunci cand intra in posesia acestora,drept urmare multi aleg drumuri gresite doar pentru a reusi sa obtina obiecte,ceea ce e total gresit.                                                                                                                                             Oamenii sunt stresati,nervosi,tristi,frustrati si nemultumiti din cauza ca nu obtin ceea ce isi doresc la timp sau cum ar dori sa le obina,ei nu realizeaza ca nu obiectele sunt acel ceva ce te face sa te simti implinit,multumitor,ci persoanele de langa tine,cei dragi,prieteni,familie..Nu ma intelege gresit ,nu zic ca nu ii bine sa ne dorim anumite lucruri,zic doar sa nu le punem prioritare si sa alegem drumuri gresite doar ca sa le obtinem.                                                                                                                                                      Ce trebuie sa realizam,e ca trebuie sa fim multumitori pentru exact ceea ce Dumnezeu ne-a dat,cum ne-a lasatsi pentru ceea ce suntem si avem.Fi multumitor de faptul ca ai o casa,ai un pat si mancare pe masa in fiecare zi,sunt oameni care nu au nimic din toate acestea.         Fi multumitor pentru acei oameni dragi din jurul tau,ei sunt prioritari in viata,acei oameni dragi care sunt mereu acolo cu tine,pentru tine . Fi multumitor pentru tot ce ai in jurul tau si bucurate de fiecare clipa.

If I could..

        If I could, I would stop all the evil in this world.If I could I would do it so, it will no longer be hatred between people, I would do it in such a way that everyone, big or small,Christian, atheist or Muslim;Romanian, Turkish, Chinese or Gypsy or any other any nation , hug one another or shake hands and forget all the things they were struggling for.Why? Because we are all the same,regardless of social status or what race we are, we all are the same, we all have two arms, two legs,two eyes, etc.The only thing that differs us is that that each of us has his beliefs,and this is normal, for example if you like to run and others likes to cycle, that doesn’t mean you should start a war,as in the present case, do not blame the religion,they say that because of religion, the ”war” between muslim and others started ,but it is not true.If we,the humans, would be more informed,we would have known that , all started years ago,when those who live in that part of the world, did not want to leave their country to be exploited by our great rulers,but now, we are not talk about this.The idea is that if I could,I would do so that,all would live in harmony and peace not war and hatred.Too many peoples,childrens are dying..and that’s because of our ”caring” leaders.                                                                                                               If I could , I would do all to see life as I see it,If I could i would make to be just harmony between people,but I can’t,I’m just a man from the crowd with something to say..



What about your happiness?

    I can’t explain something I can’t understand..
    There are things in life that bring you down and things that lift you up.You’re always trying to make others happy,but does anyone try to make you happy?
   Maybe they are trying,but not the way you do it..and from some people,it is a little bit sad,because you are trying your best for them.
  But that’s enought princess,it is the time for you to take a step from where you are and trying your best to make yourself happy and who’ll care enought for you,they will be right there with you.

It’s hard,but worthed

It’s hard,but worthed.Trusting God is the most worthed thing you could do no matter what storm you’ll have.He’s right next to you,He’s supporting you in every step you have to take.He’s the only one who’ll truly understand what you feel and how you feel.Trust His word,trust in His promises,He knows better than you do,you have to trust in His time,His timing is perfect and He knows when the right time is for everything.He’s got a better plan for you than you have.So no matter what storm you’ll have to cross,trust Him ,He’s with you and He’s making you stronger because you’re His child and He loves you just the way you are and let me tell you that you are beautiful,you’re one of His amazing creations and in His eyes you are precious.
Trust and pray to God in every moment of your life,no matter what storm you’ll have .

                                                                       Be blessed ♥

Caught between two worlds

                             Te-ai simtit vreodata,ca si cum nu faci parte din nici o lume? Nici realitate,nici iluzie.E acel sentiment,sunt doua lumi si tu esti intre ele,o lume buna si una rea.In lumea cea buna vrei sa faci doar bine,vrei sa faci ceea ce Domnu vrea ca tu sa faci,tu esti condus de o iubire si fericire ne-ntalnita si o liniste sufleteasca uimitoare.In lumea cea rea,unde este permis orice,alcolul,violenta,sex,droguri,etc,lumea asta te poate face sa faci lucruri rele in care in mod constient nu le-ai face.               Aceste doua lumi sunt ambele conduse de ganduri dar si de sentimente.Lumea cea buna este condusa de iubirea care o ai in inima,de dorinta de a face bine in lume si de a ajuta pe toti,lumea cea rea este condusa de frustrari,dureri,dezamagiri,lucruri care nu-ti fac tocmai bine sufleteste si te fac sa-ti doresti sa fi ca cei din lumea asta rea si imorala.                                          Nu stiu despre tine,dar asa simt eu,sunt doua lumi si eu sunt la mijloc,intre ”musc”cate putin din ambele,de ce?,pentru ca de fiecare data cand incerc sa inaintez cu totul in lumea ce buna,sentimente si ganduri,dezamagiri ma trag inapoi si asa raman constant la mijloc,intre ele..

Do you know where you’ll be tomorrow?

Today you are where you are,in this minute you are doing what you’re doing,but tomorrow will you know where you’ll be or what you’ll do?
No,the answer is no!;today you can be the happiest ,the richest or the poor,the healthiest or the sick one,the luckiest or unlucky,but tomorrow,nobody knows about how it will be,where it will be or what they’ll do.Yes , you can make plans and decide what you’re going to do tomorrow and where you are going to be,but this things are not related to you,but of God,He knows exactly what tomorrow will be or how will you be,so,some things are not related to you,but only of God.
So whatever you do,make it like it was your last day and make it memorable for everyone.

Gand personal

      Stau si ma gandesc la generatia din ziua de azi,la tinerii care “imbratiseaza ” fiecare mod de a-si distruge viata si a-si face o imagine urata fata de lume.De exemplu:cu alcool,droguri,relatii intime cu una sau mai multe persoane si povestirea acestora,relatii cu interes material,barfa,invidia si ura.
      Stau cateodata si ma gandesc de unde atata ura si rautate in lume,de ce nu poate sa fie totul bine si frumos,dar daca te gandesti,totul depinde de propria-ti persoana,tu alegi ce vrei sa faci in viata,tu alegi daca faci bine sau rau,tu alegi daca vrei sa-ti distrugi viata sau vrei sa ti-o imbunatatesti,totul depinde doar de tine.
      As putea fi sigura ca unii vor spune ca vreau sa le bag religia sau pe Dumnezeu pe gat,dar nu!..asta este alta discutie.Aici nu vorbesc despre religie sau Dumnezeu,aici este vorba de a fi un exemplu in viata,in cercul tau de prieteni si in familie.Poti sa ai prieteni de orice fel,nimeni nu iti interzice daca cu ei te simti bine,atat timp cat tu te sti face o persoana respectata si alegi decizile bune in viata pentru tine;atat timp cat tu iti susti  cu tarie decizile si ceea ce crezi,ceea ce vrei sa faci si aici ma refer la lucrurile bune ,decizii bune,pure;atunci pentru mine tu vei fi o persoana demna de respectat  si admirat .Vor exista si persoane care  vor incerca sa-ti schimbe  parerea,ideile si judecata,dar tu nu trebuie sa te lasi influentat de aceste lucruri,pentru ca la final  tu te vei simti minunat pentru decizile tale bune si pure.



             Friendship,is only a word for some and for others,a part of themselves.                                               I agree that yes, we choose our friends in life, but you need to choose them carefully,because some will shoot us down , while others will raise us.I believe that those who raise us up, are blessings from God.                                                                                                                   There are times in life when you have to do something for those friends who helped you when you needed,that moment when they decide because of pain or dissatisfaction, to take another road of life,one that makes them fall completely in sin.You think what you could do for them, to help them, ”why?” ,because they are important to you and it hurts you to hear bad things about them.What can you do at that point is to put yourself on your knees and pray with all your heart, that the Lord to enlighten their full heart and thinking, give them wisdom to see that it is not good that way they chose,for decisions taken in anger.                                                                    Pray that God would keep them from every evil work and bless them in every day of their lives and to realize that only God can give them the peace that they need and the love and happiness.                                                                                                                                               God is all you need!