Fi multumitor


             In ziua de astazi,majoritatea tinerilor chiar si adulti ajung sa creada ca se vor simti impliniti doar atunci cand vor avea cat mai multi bani,cel mai scump si performant telefon si cea mai tare si scumpa masina.Ajung sa creada ca cele mai de pret lucruri in viata obiectele si cred ca vor fi multumiti si impliniti doar atunci cand intra in posesia acestora,drept urmare multi aleg drumuri gresite doar pentru a reusi sa obtina obiecte,ceea ce e total gresit.                                                                                                                                             Oamenii sunt stresati,nervosi,tristi,frustrati si nemultumiti din cauza ca nu obtin ceea ce isi doresc la timp sau cum ar dori sa le obina,ei nu realizeaza ca nu obiectele sunt acel ceva ce te face sa te simti implinit,multumitor,ci persoanele de langa tine,cei dragi,prieteni,familie..Nu ma intelege gresit ,nu zic ca nu ii bine sa ne dorim anumite lucruri,zic doar sa nu le punem prioritare si sa alegem drumuri gresite doar ca sa le obtinem.                                                                                                                                                      Ce trebuie sa realizam,e ca trebuie sa fim multumitori pentru exact ceea ce Dumnezeu ne-a dat,cum ne-a lasatsi pentru ceea ce suntem si avem.Fi multumitor de faptul ca ai o casa,ai un pat si mancare pe masa in fiecare zi,sunt oameni care nu au nimic din toate acestea.         Fi multumitor pentru acei oameni dragi din jurul tau,ei sunt prioritari in viata,acei oameni dragi care sunt mereu acolo cu tine,pentru tine . Fi multumitor pentru tot ce ai in jurul tau si bucurate de fiecare clipa.

It’s hard,but worthed

It’s hard,but worthed.Trusting God is the most worthed thing you could do no matter what storm you’ll have.He’s right next to you,He’s supporting you in every step you have to take.He’s the only one who’ll truly understand what you feel and how you feel.Trust His word,trust in His promises,He knows better than you do,you have to trust in His time,His timing is perfect and He knows when the right time is for everything.He’s got a better plan for you than you have.So no matter what storm you’ll have to cross,trust Him ,He’s with you and He’s making you stronger because you’re His child and He loves you just the way you are and let me tell you that you are beautiful,you’re one of His amazing creations and in His eyes you are precious.
Trust and pray to God in every moment of your life,no matter what storm you’ll have .

                                                                       Be blessed ♥

Do you know where you’ll be tomorrow?

Today you are where you are,in this minute you are doing what you’re doing,but tomorrow will you know where you’ll be or what you’ll do?
No,the answer is no!;today you can be the happiest ,the richest or the poor,the healthiest or the sick one,the luckiest or unlucky,but tomorrow,nobody knows about how it will be,where it will be or what they’ll do.Yes , you can make plans and decide what you’re going to do tomorrow and where you are going to be,but this things are not related to you,but of God,He knows exactly what tomorrow will be or how will you be,so,some things are not related to you,but only of God.
So whatever you do,make it like it was your last day and make it memorable for everyone.

Gand personal

      Stau si ma gandesc la generatia din ziua de azi,la tinerii care “imbratiseaza ” fiecare mod de a-si distruge viata si a-si face o imagine urata fata de lume.De exemplu:cu alcool,droguri,relatii intime cu una sau mai multe persoane si povestirea acestora,relatii cu interes material,barfa,invidia si ura.
      Stau cateodata si ma gandesc de unde atata ura si rautate in lume,de ce nu poate sa fie totul bine si frumos,dar daca te gandesti,totul depinde de propria-ti persoana,tu alegi ce vrei sa faci in viata,tu alegi daca faci bine sau rau,tu alegi daca vrei sa-ti distrugi viata sau vrei sa ti-o imbunatatesti,totul depinde doar de tine.
      As putea fi sigura ca unii vor spune ca vreau sa le bag religia sau pe Dumnezeu pe gat,dar nu!..asta este alta discutie.Aici nu vorbesc despre religie sau Dumnezeu,aici este vorba de a fi un exemplu in viata,in cercul tau de prieteni si in familie.Poti sa ai prieteni de orice fel,nimeni nu iti interzice daca cu ei te simti bine,atat timp cat tu te sti face o persoana respectata si alegi decizile bune in viata pentru tine;atat timp cat tu iti susti  cu tarie decizile si ceea ce crezi,ceea ce vrei sa faci si aici ma refer la lucrurile bune ,decizii bune,pure;atunci pentru mine tu vei fi o persoana demna de respectat  si admirat .Vor exista si persoane care  vor incerca sa-ti schimbe  parerea,ideile si judecata,dar tu nu trebuie sa te lasi influentat de aceste lucruri,pentru ca la final  tu te vei simti minunat pentru decizile tale bune si pure.

Trust in Him


That moment in life,when you realize that you must surrender completely to God.Without any restraint,you just do it.
His decision are more important to you than your decision for you and your life.
God created you for a purpose,you weren’t left on earth at random,your whole life has been planned from the beggining and if you take the decision to leave it to God to work in you life,you’ll get to the right place,full of blessings from Him.
God will never let you fall,He will always make you victorious.No more looking for happines and love in people,but to Him and after everything will come when He decide that the time is right.
Until then,trust in Him at all the times.